A must-have book to help safeguard your church from accidents and lawsuits that goes far beyond the standard "sexual misconduct training" offered by most churches. A wealth of real-life examples and simple, practical advice teach you how to look for safety hazards, avoid harmful situations and protect youth from injury, sexual misconduct and inappropriate behaviors. We strongly recommend this book for anyone engaged in youth or children's ministry -- as well as youth leaders, Sunday School & VBS teachers, mission trip, camp and conference leaders.
An essential guidebook for anyone in youth ministry---paid or volunteer, veteran or rookie. Along with questions to get you thinking about your own ministry context after each chapter, inside you'll discover how you can make your ministry a safe place for students and leaders as you read about: * Safety while riding in buses, vans, and cars * Camps, retreats, and conferences * Selecting staff * Avoiding sexual misconduct * Establishing a No-Bully Zone * How to handle injuries, and much more Make sure your ministry is safe and that you're protected so you never have to be the one saying, 'I never took safety seriously until ..."
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