These topic-based lessons originally were designed for younger youth but churches have found that it works with older youth as well. It is especially useful for a mixed age group where you can pick topics that fit the interests and needs of the youth in your group.
This program is not a membership (annual subscription) -- you get 3-4 years of topical lesson plans for one low price based on the average number of people (including children and youth) attending your church on a weekend. This is the number you report to your denomination as your ASA (Average Sunday Attendance) or AWA (Average Weekly Attendance). We use this number because it is much more accurate than using membership numbers. And setting prices by the size of your congregation makes this program affordable to even the smallest churches.
About Heidi Hawks
Heidi Hawks is a veteran Christian Education and Youth Director with 15 years of Christian Education/Formation experience along with extensive experience teaching, tutoring and mentoring children, youth and adults. She holds Master's degrees in both religion and education and a PhD in Education, specializing in learning, curriculum, and instruction with a focus on faith formation and spiritual development.