In today's world, it can be difficult to understand how first-century believers had to live and worship in secret. This creative program helps children and adults experience the drama and daring of living in such dangerous times. Godly Journey is a fun, interesting way to learn about the early church, Paul & the Epistles.
This program was originally designed as a year-long Sunday School program for older children or younger teens, but our customers have discovered many amazing ways to use Godly Journey: perfect for 5th Graders waiting to begin Rite-13 in the
Journey to Adulthood program, a great resource for youth groups and even an intergenerational program for the whole family. (It turns out it is especially attractive to men and boys!)
Godly Journey invites participants into the life of the early church and introduces them to Christians who helped spread Christianity. Participants will learn about Paul and his companions, where they traveled and how they contributed to the spread of the faith throughout the region. They will also meet Cleon, a slave boy who escapes from his master and is taken in by a Jewish family that is in the process of becoming Christian in the face of the danger that creates for them. This story invites participants to reflect on our own cultures experience with slavery and the ways in which we experience difficult ethical decisions in our daily lives. They will also be invited to reflect on slavery in the Bible, in history and in our lives today. Finally, participants will look at how Paul and early Christians dealt with persecution and how the church grew under their leadership. They will look at how Christianity is spread today, how they can be Christ-bearers in their own lives and will develop and implement an evangelism plan for their congregation.
Godly Journey includes drama, meals or snacks of the era, Jewish and early Christian worship, building a diorama, playing games and much more. It is a fun, interactive experience that teaches the Scriptures, theology, ethics and engages participants in mission and sharing the Good News in their time. Parents, who are unlikely to attend adult education forums will join their children in this adventure. And adults who are wary of anything with the word "evangelism" associated with it, will find themselves joining the children and youth in developing and implementing an evangelism strategy -- just don't tell them that this is what the program is about!
Five stand-alone sections can be a one or two year program or can be done in segments. The intergenerational experience is especially helpful for congregations with few children and youth and a desire to grow as this lively and engaging program makes it easy to invite friends to join the program. Often hosted on weekday evenings with dinner or before/after Sunday worship.
This resources is a PDF downloadable files which can be used in the congregation which purchased this license to reproduce.
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