by Kevin Thew Forrester
“Kevin Thew Forrester’s Holding Beauty in My Soul’s Arms is a book for many, if not most, of us on the journey toward deeper spiritual formation. It offers a resting place, a reflective learning place where we may pause and savor at our own pace the riches of scripture, tradition, and reason as well as post-modern psychology, ethics, cultural studies, and systems theory. Familiar stories, presented in informative and provocative ways, take on greater vibrancy. Narratives of saints, ancient and modern, hold up reflections of human transformation. As we move into an unknown future, foundational theological questions about how we perceive ourselves and God are candidly and plainly opened up. It is in the doing of theology – reflecting upon our experience and that of wider communities – that we find nurture, insight and guidance toward Christian transformation.
”Those exploring new, emergent, and fresh expressions of “church,” and those with thirsting souls will find in these pages a spiritual audacity that embraces the whole of reality.
“Curious Christians, seekers, and newcomers to spiritual adventures will also find tools to aid their discoveries. One of the best supportive aids to the spiritual journey, the Enneagram, is explored in this volume. This tool, with its holistic embrace of nature and nurture, can in time and with practiced awareness help us be the leaders God would have us become. If this is your first exposure to the spirituality and psychology of the Enneagram, I invite you to continue to explore this resource as a companion in spiritual awareness.”
From the Forward by Fredrica Harris Thompsett