Faith Formation for Today's Church
Are you seeking the sacred in your daily life? Are you looking for a way to grow with others in your church? Will you set out on a pilgrimage that leads toward deeper community, stronger faith and the skills to minister in the world? Journey in Faith supports and enhances the baptismal ministry of the whole people of God. It is a multi-year, multi-faceted program that renews and revitalizes congregations and is especially attractive to young adults (including college age). Each Unit is a set of six sessions that can be done individually and in any order rather than as an ongoing program.
A Multi-faceted Process of Faith Formation
(A group may take a year or longer to complete each Path)
The First Path — Faith Stories (Scriptures)
The Second Path — Theology
Each Path has Six Units, each comprised of Six Steps (sessions) for a total of 36 core sessions in each Path. Each Unit addresses these topics:
- Our Experience
- Creativity in Hebrew Scriptures
- Love in Christian Scriptures
- Liberty in the Saints of History
- Restorative Justice
- Review and Celebrate
Theological Education with Practical Application
What will your group learn?
You will learn what your group decides to experience, but the program offers the following opportunities to learn:
- new ways of doing liturgy and prayer
- new ways to grow spiritually and lead others in spiritual practice
- ways to study scritpture and specific scriptural passages
- about theology and how to be a theologian
- about saints and church history
- about baptismal ministry and your own ministry
- small group leadership skills
- and much more!
How does the program do all this?
Through weekly meetings, small groups build community by praying together, reading the scriptures and sharing aspects of their lives. In this flexible process, the group rotates leadership roles and decides how to focus their time, but the program materials provide a framework and guide to acquiring the skills needed for ministry and the knowledge and experience needed for mature faith. Journey in Faith groups can be accompanied and coached by Companions (mentors) who help participants learn skills, find answers and grow in faith. Journey in Faith Companions are not group leaders, rather they are more like a coach. Individuals who have already been trained or have skills and experience as a small group mentor can serve as Companions
Personal faith formation in a small group setting that transforms people and their congregations!