Bishop Knisely invites you on a journey through Luke and Acts. Originally written as a personal meditation book for Lent, this book can be used for group Bible study or as a daily refection one (or two) chapters from two of the major books of the New Testament. "Journey to Easter" is a pilgrimage text -- a way for you to travel through Jesus' life, death and resurrection and encounter him in your own day-to-day life.
About the Author: The Rt. Rev. W. Nicholas Knisely became bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island in 2012 after serving as the Dean of Trinity Cathedral in Phoenix, AZ. As a physicist, he often speaks and writes on the relationship between science and religion. He is author of "Entangled States" (New Bound Books) and "Lent is not Rocket Science: An Exploration of God, Creation and the Cosmos" (Forward Movement). You can follow his blog at and at