by Kevin Thew Forrester
My Heart is a Raging Volcano of Love for You! provides liturgical texts to enrich our common worship. These resources bring the liturgy alive in exciting ways. Unlike our current collects, these collects are drawn from the day’s Scripture readings, giving them a connection to the day’s lessons and sermon. Kevin uses refreshing, contemporary language that makes ancient texts meaningful to today’s ears while emboding the church’s baptismal theology and the Anglican-Episcopal tradition.
Kevin's poetic gifts enable him to use beautiful and evocative language to express our deepest love for God. His theological insights and ability to draw from early Christian writers, mystics and revolutionary teachers makes this a rare book of worship for the post-modern church. Many of these texts grew out of the life and worship of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Marquette, MI where Kevin served as Rector; he previously served as the Diocesan Ministry Development Coordinator in the Diocese of Northern Michigan.
The liturgies in My Heart is a Raging Volcano of Love for You! (e-Book) is also available as a PDF file with license to reproduce and use in your congregation or group. Click HERE to order the digital version.
Also available is the companion book, Holding Beauty in My Soul's Arms where Kevin gives readers the theological foundations that underlie these liturgies.