Children experience prayer methods from many different cultures - memorize the Lord's Prayer, walk a labyrinth, use yoga & guided meditation, understand intercessory prayer & prayer shawl ministries, pray or chant the Psalms, modify Tibetan prayer flags and MORE! Other experiences include exploring how pretzels & prayer are connected, using ribbons to understand & remember the Lord's Prayer, and learning about corporate prayer. Appropriate for K-5th Grade.
You can purchase cycles individually or purchase an annual congregational membership. Congregational members get access to all cycles and can download as many as are needed in a given year. You can download a cycle and if it turns out that you don't want to use that one, just download a different cycle without wasting the cost of a cycle you don't use. Plus, you can use cycles for special occasions (Christmas, Lent, etc.) and they are great for a VBS or Summer Camp program as well as Winter Camp, which is a growing trend in churches today -- the week after Christmas when parents need child care and children are eager have fun and learn.
Annual Memberships are VERY affordable!